Wednesday, February 6, 2008

UFOs Sighted Everywhere!

I thought I would start a list of UFO's so I could prioritize what to work on. I didn't realize how many are hidng in the house.

1.La Perla Bebe Gnome Hat

2. Emiliano’s baby blanket
3. Kayla’s hat and scarf
4. Mom’s scarf
5. SWS socks

6. Coal fire socks

7. Cabled hat & scarf
8. Blocks Baby Blanket
9. School Spirit Scarf

10. Prairie Sky Scarf
11. Cottage Socks

And this is just what I have found so far!

My husband came in the bedroom last night and casually noted "there seems to be yarn everywhere I look". Not true. There is no yarn in the fridge! I found a skein in the bathroom. there are 2 in the kitchen. A lot are stashed in nooks and crannies in the living room, bedroom and studio. Bags in the den. I like to think that this is just adding to the insulation in the house and saving on our energy bills. (I will continnue to delude myself in this manner. I am my own enabler)

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